How Ashes Are Turned Into Diamonds?

The death of a loved one is a traumatic and stressful experience. Overcoming this loss is a big challenge for people, for which they adopt different coping strategies. Most people cherish the memory of their loved one by clinging on to one of their belongings, giving them a feeling of togetherness.

Following the death of a loved one, the traditional norm calls for a burial. However, increasing awareness about the ecological benefits of cremation has led to the wide adoption of this practice.

The cremated remains, or ashes, are generally stored in urns or scattered in a special area. There is also an increasingly popular method to help you carry your loved ones with you forever – turning the ashes into diamonds.

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This method is not only an elegant way to represent the plethora of your memories and feelings, but it also provides you the opportunity of creating something unique.

The website Heart-in-Diamond lists a 5-step process to turn ashes into diamonds that hold lasting memories of your loved one.

According to Heart-in-Diamond, synthetically made diamonds are highly similar to the real ones and, in fact, are more economical and eco-friendly. The diamonds are polished, cut, and graded according to the same industry grading standards used for natural diamonds.

Indeed, laboratory-grown diamonds may be the future, since natural diamond mining takes its toll on the environment and also exploits workers both physically and financially. By choosing to get a diamond made out of ashes, you not only preserve the memories of a loved one but also contribute a little to environmental health.

These beautiful, eternal diamonds are often a representation of the relationship with your loved one. The process of making these lab-grown diamonds is scientific, eco-friendly, and as interesting as the diamonds themselves.

Here’s how ashes are turned into diamonds:

  1. About 2/3 cup of ashes is taken for examination, and the amount of carbon in the sample is estimated.
  2. The sample is then purified under high heat so that all components other than carbon get oxidized. This step can take a few weeks.
  3. The purified carbon is obtained in the form of graphite, which is further filtered.
  4. This graphite is mixed with catalysts or diamond growing foundation.
  5. The mixture is transferred to the core of a high-pressure, high-temperature machine (HPHT). Such a machine is capable of creating an environment similar to those existing deep beneath the earth’s surface, suitable for diamond formation.
  6. The diamond is grown in temperatures above 2000 ºC with a pressure of 60,000 atm.
  7. After a few weeks, the mixture turns into a rough crystal.
  8. This crystal is then cut and polished according to industry standards and the customer’s requests.
  9. Finally, the diamond is subjected to quality control and grading process to give the finished result.

The diamonds created in this way are interspersed with the remains of your beloved. You can choose from a variety of colors, cuts, and carats and also decide on an ornament to which you want to attach the diamond, such as a ring, bracelet, earrings, bangle, pendant, and brooch.

It is normal to grieve after the loss of a person close to you. However, it is important to overcome this grief and cherish the memories they have left behind. A cremation or memorial diamond is a tool to commemorate their life and to keep them by your side forever.